Submitted by fps_admin on Fri, 08/27/2021 - 21:08

On home page, a jurisdiction can be selected from the dropdown list or from the map. The jurisdictions can also be narrowed down by region and income level in the respective tabs. Once selected, the details for the respective fast payment arrangement can be viewed, and filtering, analysis, and downloading options also become available (please note the Login option is applicable only for the site administrators).

Jurisdiction Selection

The Resources page serves as a repository of World Bank material and publications pertaining to fast payments.


Compare & download data/information across jurisdictions

Details of the selected jurisdiction can be downloaded by clicking on 'Download Dataset' link (refer screenshot below).  For comparing information of multiple jurisdictions or selecting the required implementation aspects for jurisdictions click on the 'FILTER' button in the jurisdiction details page.




Clicking on the 'FILTER' button will open a popup screen with two tabs 'INDICATORS' and 'REGION AND INCOME LEVEL'  (refer below screenshot). By selecting the appropriate tab and choosing indicators/jurisdictions of his choice user can click on the 'SUBMIT' button to apply selected filters. 

Jurisdiction / Indicator Selection

Once submitted the selected filters are applied and the result will be displayed on the page. The results can be downloaded by clicking on 'Download Dataset' link.

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